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Charter Renewal – Now is the Time

Scouting Friends,

Wow – another year has flown by and it is December – all units in our large, spread out council are due to renew their annual operating charter before year-end!

A big congratulations to all the many units that have already completed their online work, and submitted their paperwork and payment to the council – if it is complete, you are good to go for another great year of Scouting. Thank you for being on time!

To any unit that has not completed their charter renewal process then now, right now, is the time to get ‘ur done! If you have questions or need a hand, don’t hesitate to ask your Unit Commissioner or your District Executive for help. Most charter renewal items can be solved very quickly if someone is working at it. Please ask for assistance if you need it.

Getting your charter renewal complete before year-end is a win-win for everyone. We want to leap into 2016 with all our Scouting units up to date, current and ready to go. A special note of thanks to those folks in every unit that have taken the time and effort to keep their unit on time and on track – you efforts are truly appreciated!

Warm regards in Scouting,

Gordon Rubard


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