Have a love of fishing? Want to pass along that appreciation and skill? You might be interested in becoming a Boy Scouts of America Certified Angling Instructor.
As a BSA Certified Angling Instructor, you will have the opportunity to learn fundamental Fishing and Fly Fishing Skills, learn how to best teach Scouts those fishing skills, and have FUN!
Because of your investment of time and talents, together we will keep Scouts in Scouting longer by fishing!
What: Certified Angling Instructor Course
Where: Melita Island
When: August 15-18, 2019
Course fee $85.00
Attendees will be REQUIRED to PURCHASE a Federal Tribal fishing license from the Wal-Mart in Polson. *This is in addition to the course fee of $85
Montana Resident $21
Non-Resident $33
Visit the official BSA Fishing – Certified Angling Instructors Webpage Here.
Questions please contact Course Director, O.J. Palmer: ojpalmer41@yahoo.com or 406-224-8258
A BSA Certified Angling Instructor is?
A volunteer that Recruits Cub Scouts and Retains Older Scouts USA, Venture Scouts & Sea Scouts using Fishing to “Hook them” into a lifetime of Outdoor Activities!
A volunteer committed to improving their District or Unit Fishing Program:
- Provide Quality Fishing Programs at Camp and Summer Camp
- Teach Scouts how to enjoy the sports of fishing and Fly fishing
- Provide Quality Equipment to your camp or unit at Value Pricing
- Give Skills to Den Leaders- Learn while having fun
- Become a confident Merit Badge Counselor
- Increase attendance at your Summer Camp with an active fishing program
A volunteer that asks the question, is our Council delivering quality Fishing Program and more importantly is willing to assist in making the effort!
How do I become a BSA Certified Angling Instructor?
The Boy Scouts of America has designed a training course, with providing you the tools you need to help improve council, district and unit fishing programs to aid in Recruitment andRetention of Scouts.
As a BSA Certified Angling Instructor, you will have the opportunity to learn fundamental Fishing and Fly Fishing Skills, learn how to best teach Scouts those fishing skills, and have FUN!
Because of your investment of time and talents, together we will Keep Scouts in Scouting Longer By Fishing!
Is this a BSA Train the Trainer Course?
Yes, it is. BSA Training: PAS Code: CS61 Patch Code from BSA National Supply 620739
The CAI Training course is taught using the E.D.G.E. Method, in an effort to provide the Scout Leader/ Camp Staff with the tools necessary to design, develop and provide leadership to BSA fishing programs.
Do I need prior Fishing Experience?
No prior fishing experience is required, nor is any personal fishing equipment required to take the course. However, if you possess angling knowledge and skills, we would like to leverage those talents and provide an even better program with your participation in the CAI Training Course and in future angling activities.
Who are the instructors and what is their experience?
The CAI Training courses are facilitated by members of the BSA National Fishing Committee, and their team of CAI Course Directors and their staff of Certified Angling Instructors.
All instructors maintain a focus on providing enhancements to your fishing program and serving our Scouts.
What are the types of angling lessons taught?
The CAI course syllabus includes age-appropriate skills using fishing tools and techniques for their Scouts, ranging from Cane Pole to Fly Fishing
The course will highlight best practices on content delivery, in both the classroom and the field.
- Provide a positive fishing experience & improve your council’s fishing program
- The skills learned in the course can be used to increase membership in your unit, district and council
- Fishing is 4th among Scout Interests! Why not use that to increase the FUN FACTOR!
- Participants will become confident in fly tying and fly casting, knot tying and catch and release practices.
- CAI offers quality fishing gear at value pricing/cost-effective purchase power for units and Councils alike.
Who Should Attend?
Participants include current and future Council Camp Program Directors, Camp Fishing Staff Members, Merit Badge Counselors, Cub Scout Day Camp Staff, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Sea Scouts and Venture Staff.
Unit Leaders wishing to grow their membership with an active outdoor program!
Den Leaders, Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Members, Star, Life and Eagle Scouts. You will become prepared to instruct Scouts in fishing and fly fishing while using fishing to plan outdoor activities in all seasons. This includes outdoor and indoor skill development and preparation.
Leaders who take this course qualify as fishing and fly fishing merit badge counselors.