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Camp Melita Island Opening Postponed To 2022

After careful consideration at the board and operating committee level, we have made the decision to “rest” Melita Island one more year. 

We are energized and proud of the direction this camp is headed. We are having great success with the reforestation project, culminating this past October with the planting and fencing of 114 trees and shrubs. 

With the additional campsite reconfiguration, reduced budget and, most importantly, to ensure a healthy island, we need time over the summer to prepare for a grand re-opening in 2022.

Units that reserved a spot on Melita have been contacted. Should a unit desire to spend a few nights at Melita – and perhaps do some service – we may be able to arrange something. Simply reach out to Michelle in the Great Falls office: | 406-761-6000

While we do not yet know what camp is going to look like in 2021, we are planning to be fully operational at K-M Scout Ranch

We encourage you to look strongly at K-M this year. Filling the camp does help our operational budget, above and beyond that, however, we promise a new and improved program. 

Some of you visited K-M last year and many touted their experience as one of the best camp experiences they have had. This year, our top-notch staff will host a different program once again.

We promise you will not find better facilities, staff and programs anywhere in the Northwest. Sign up asap as spots do fill up quickly!

For more information, please visit: K-M Scout Ranch, Montana Council.


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