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Bronze/Gold/Platinum Units – Be One!

As a recognition/thank you for your unit’s participation, the Montana Council will provide the following to any unit who successfully meets or exceeds their ICL “fair share” goal:

Benefits for 2017 are as follows:

BRONZE level achievement

  • $10 discount per youth to Montana Council Summer Camps, Youth Leadership Training, and Webelos Residence Camps
  • 10% discount to Cub Scout Day Camp

GOLD level achievement

  • $15 discount per youth to Montana Council Summer Camps, Youth Leadership Training, and Webelos Residence Camps
  • 1 free adult registration to Camp/ Training
  • 25% discount to Cub Scout Day Camp
  • Free 2018 Pinewood Derby kit per 2017 rechartered Cub Scout
  • Free Cub/ Boy Scout rank advancement patches thru April 2018
  • 5% discount on purchases (unit or personal) through the Montana Council Service Center stores

PLATINUM level achievement

  • $25 discount per youth in 2017 to Montana Council Summer Camps, Youth Leadership Training, and Webelos Residence Camps
  • 2 free adult registrations to Camp/ Training
  • 50% discount to Cub Scout Day Camp in 2017
  • Free 2018 Pinewood Derby kit per 2017 rechartered Cub Scout
  • Free Cub/ Boy Scout rank advancement patches thru April 2018
  • 10% discount on purchases (unit or personal) through the Montana Council Service Center stores


  1. This year’s deadline – Unit presentation and goal must be completed prior to April 30, 2017.
  2. Every Pack, Troop, Team, or Crew that achieves their Investment in Character and Leadership (ICL) goal will qualify as a Bronze/ Gold/ Platinum Unit until next April. All contributions should come from parents, grandparents, or registered leadership within the unit.
  3. Goals are based on recharter membership multiplied by $100 for Bronze, $175 for Gold and $250 for Platinum. So if your unit rechartered with 25 youth and you want to be a Platinum level unit you would need to raise $6,250 (25 X $250).
  4. Goals include pledges (all pledges must be paid by December 31, 2017) and council share of 2016 popcorn sales. So if your unit has decided on a goal of $6,250 we will combine the results of your ICL presentation and the council portion of your popcorn sale to calculate how much money your unit has raised.

Check out this year’s ICL video and support message – click here

Thank you for supporting Scouting! Please see your District Director or District Executive to schedule your Family Friends of Scouting presentation at your spring Blue and Gold Banquet or Court of Honor.



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