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Behind The Scenes At NYLT

A Personal Perspective From Markie Nathan, Course Director

Awesome, amazing, OUTstanding, heartwarming, exciting, thoughtful, energizing, dedicated, inspiring, thrilling – these positive adjectives and more describe the National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) 2024 leadership course that recently concluded at beautiful K-M Scout Ranch!

Congratulations to the 45 terrific Scout participants from across Montana and beyond who came together as patrols and successfully completed the course! They practiced and learned team building and servant leadership through a variety of methods. And had a blast, activity by activity, day by day!

Thank you to the fantastic youth staff members, who brought the NYLT course to life for the participants. And to the adult staff members who guided and mentored the youth leadership and watched for safety overall. Throughout the more than nine months of detailed planning and preparation, the staff kept participants and the syllabus at the forefront. Their professional focus was true servant leadership!

2025 will be here before we know it, and it is not too early to plan for NYLT training for your Scouts and troops/crews. Watch for announcements on the Montana Council website this fall. Let’s continue the strong legacy of well-trained Scouts!

“Train them; teach them; let them lead!”

Markie Nathan
NYLT 2024 Course Director


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