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Be “In the News”

We are very excited to be expanding how we connect to youth, our leaders and our volunteers through online platforms and social media. This is not something we breach lightly. It is a matter of fact that more and more connectivity and interaction is taking place in an online space and so, in order of us to all keep up with where our youth are already contributing, we ask for your involvement.
We want to continue to grow and ¬– just like what we ask you bring to Scouting offline – it relies on a community of participation.
Here are five ways to easily contribute.
1. Join us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube … more to come.
2. Use the hash tag #montanacouncil to alert us to your posts.
3. Tag @montanacouncil to signal our attention.
4. Email us: with events, photographs, alerts, exciting news, messages you’d like to disseminate – it’s about sharing.
5. Watch for – and share – our ongoing social media campaigns. This month we are recognizing our brilliant staff and volunteers by using the hash tag #MTBSADecemberOfThanks


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