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A Year Ends In Loss, A New Starts With Rekindled “Heart”

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

This year’s holiday season was a bit difficult for me and my family. This past Friday morning, we lost my mother-in-law, Theresa, to a long battle with Diabetes. We consider it a blessing as her quality of life during recent months has been non-existent. We all handle the loss of loved ones in different ways. I find I am one that tends to reflect.

If you ask me to describe Theresa in one word, I say “heart.”

Theresa had a strong heart both figuratively and literally. In fact, even after taking her off of fluids, she endured for more than twice the normal timespan. She was a fighter, but the thing about her that I will remember most is that she always had a big heart for everyone.

She helped raise our children (and other’s children too). She continually counseled those around her and constantly looked for the good in us all. She was quick to smile and slow to judge. A special lady that spent her life serving God and other people. All that knew her commented on her big heart and infectious laugh.

I’d submit that my New Year’s resolution is to be more like her, to see the good in others and believe in the good things around us. In other words, to act more like a Scout.

Remember, the Oath and Law we subscribed to and often recite are more than just words – they are actions. We owe it to ourselves and others to live by those actions.

Our world is full of chaos and we continually separate ourselves by differences in politics, religion, theories, etc. I for one am tired and frustrated by all of it. So – to that end – here’s to 2020 and helping Scouting’s values rise to the top of what it means to be a good human. As a movement, we are needed now more than ever.

Thank you for an incredible 2019. Let’s make 2020 our best year yet!

Yours in Scouting,

Jory Dellinger
Deputy Scout Executive


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