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SE Corner: Time At Montana Camps

A Keys To Keeping Scouts Involved Is Summer Camp

I am fortunate to be writing this from the shores of Melita Island Scout Camp. It was only two days ago I was at K-M Scout Ranch. Summer is always an exciting time of year. Our camps are full, and we are grateful to each of you who has made the trek or will go to one of our summer camps.

Camps are a huge part of Scouting and we have been working diligently over the past several years to make ours some of the very best. You can imagine the significant administrative undertaking that summer camps require. The program development, the leaders’ guides, the logistics, food, food service, health and safety, and perhaps most importantly, the recruitment, selection, and training of our staff. These things are difficult for any organization but are compounded in a short summer season with a relatively small budget.

I have been impressed by our camp staff members this year. There is a greater sense of teamwork and true engagement in teaching others. This takes time to achieve, but our senior leadership has done a great job setting the bar and example for their junior counterparts. This, combined with great camp directors, program directors, commissioners, and rangers, has led to a truly “next-level” experience.

One leader at lunch today asked, “I know you cannot run this place on what you are charging us to attend, so how do you do that?” 

I smiled. We have individuals who know and understand just how important camp is AND how important it is to keep our costs low so that more Scouts can have these wonderful experiences. We are blessed in the Montana Council to have a great program backed by great resources. That being said, we can never take these things for granted.

One of the biggest keys to keeping Scouts involved longer in Scouting is getting them to a summer camp. I hope you will join me in making sure our camps remain successful for years to come. 

What can you do? The answer is simple, invite your friends and families to join Scouting. Make sure your units are attending summer camp. Enjoy all K-M and Melita have to offer. I promise a great summer experience in the Last Best Place.

Have a great summer everyone!

Jory Dellinger
Scout Executive & CEO


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