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Call for Awards, Mountain Valley District

Mother Teresa Knew the Importance of Appreciation

With Mountain Valley District’s May 11, 2023, awards event on the horizon, it is time to reflect on accomplishments and appreciate leaders and Scouts.

We always celebrate our Eagle Award Scouts at the awards event, and thanks to an energetic advancement committee and active troops, we have 17 new Eagle Scouts.

Awards for leaders such as the District Award of Merit, or any of the training and recognition awards such as Scouter’s Key or Den Leader Awards start with the paperwork. This handy reference provides links to the most common awards, but if you need help or have questions, District Commissioner Dave Eubanks is ready to assist. Awards take some time to process, so please submit paperwork by April 24, 2023.

If the thought of doing paperwork was enough to stop you, consider for a moment how important it is to let Scouts see their leaders earn recognition the way they do, and also build competence through training the way they do. We are leading by example in earning and wearing those knots, and by calling up leaders to receive special awards for those special efforts.

Mother Teresa had this to say about why appreciation is important, and hopefully, this thought will propel you to take the time and get awards paperwork started whether it is for you or for another Scouter.

“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.”

Mother Teresa, Roman Catholic Religious Sister and Missionary


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