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What is a Cub Scout Klondike?

Mountain Valley Klondike January 21, 2023

Cub Scouts don’t go out in extremely cold weather like arctic blasts, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get out in the snow and have fun! A Klondike is a fabulous activity that is also an excellent activity to invite friends who may want to know more about Scouts. What do you do at a Klondike?

The program is as varied as the imagination of the organizers and the situation, which includes both weather and facilities. If you have a lot of snow, snowshoeing (which can include pulling a sled) is fun, as is building snow forts. Tug of war works whether you have snow, slush, or cold ground. Shooting sports can be part of the fun with slingshots. No matter what the activity, the Guide to Safe Scouting gives guidance on the safety rules.

The best way to understand a Klondike is to attend one! Mountain Valley’s Klondike is on January 21, 2023, from 1-4 PM at the Gallatin Regional Park in Bozeman (off Oak and Davis). The $6 fee covers the patch, activities, and of course hot chocolate because no Klondike would be complete without that! All events are outside so DRESS WARM with hats, mittens, waterproof boots, and extra sox, layers.  No Jeans!  Families are welcome to stay.  Register online but pay at the event.

The Klondike is canceled in the event of extreme weather, and a notification will be on REMIND text. If you need to sign-up for the Mountain Valley text group, instructions are on the communications tab of the Mountain Valley Home Page.

Hope to see you at the Cub Scout Klondike!


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