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CAMP STAFF: Summer Adventure & Leadership

Now Accepting Applications For Camp Melita Island & K-M Scout Ranch

If you have a love of the outdoors and are enthusiastic about teaching youth lifelong skills, we have a position for you.

At the beginning of summer, we tell our camp staff they will change the lives of the Scouts who come to our camps, their words and actions have influence and impact, and they are providing memorable experiences.

All of this is true. But here’s the little-known flipside, each and every camp staff member’s life changes as well.

The Montana Council is now accepting applications for its summer camp staff at both Camp Melita Island and K-M Scout Ranch. All applications and additional information can be found at the Camp Staff block of our Resources page.

Melita Island

Experience your own private island while attending Camp Melita Island. Melita Island, located on Flathead Lake – the largest natural freshwater lake in the western  US – inspires adventure through unique opportunities like sailing, scuba diving, all forms of paddle sports, nature, hiking Wild Horse Island, and emergency preparation programs. LEARN MORE ABOUT MELITA ISLAND

K-M Scout Ranch

A world-class camp in the heart of Big Sky country, K-M Scout Ranch is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for adventure in Montana. Miles of ATV and mountain bike trails, a newly renovated spring-fed pond with underwater cameras for STEM and trout study, climbing, shooting sports, nature, and much more. LEARN MORE ABOUT K-M SCOUT RANCH

We are seeking a wide variety of positions, including (but not limited to) Scoutcraft, Nature, Fine Arts, Shooting Sports, Climbing, Aquatics, Lifeguards, Mountain Bike, Sailing, Fishing, and STEM. FULL LIST OF POSITIONS

“It’s the camping experience but turned up to 11.”

– Weston Downey, Camp Melita Island Archery Area Director 2022

CAMP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: Montana Council offers a special Summer Camps Staff Scholarship Program designed to attract and retain top-caliber staff members, as well as to promote education and vocational training. Starting the second year that a staff member works for a Montana Council camp, they can qualify for a scholarship. Reward amounts are determined based on a sliding scale for years of service to a Montana Council camp. FIND THE SCHOLARSHIP GUIDE AND APPLICATION HERE

Apply now using the form below.

Or visit our CAMP STAFF headquarters for more links and information.


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