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SE Corner: Excellent Start To Recruiting

Congratulations to all volunteers and Montana Council staff for an excellent start to recruiting new Scouts.

So far, you have recruited 263 new Scouts this fall, and the districts are projecting about 16 new packs, troops and Venturing crews to be registered by the end of the year, including several girl troops.

This is exceptional news! We will affect the lives of every new youth along with all the current youth we serve in Montana.

Jory, our Deputy Scout Executive, and I plan to continue to visit our districts in the Montana Council. I know Jory has visited all the districts in his tenure and many this fall. I have had the pleasure to visit Mullan Trail, Hi-Line and Black Otter Districts in recent months. Montana is beautiful in the fall, and it has been wonderful traveling around the state.

On a personal note, I had the opportunity this October to visit my parents that live outside of Nashville, Tennessee for the first time in a long time and it was wonderful to see them. Family is so important. I believe that Scouting is like a big family. Always take care of your family and your Scouting family. This is why it is important to recruit new Scouts, and especially new leaders, into our family of Scouting.

Thank you again for your efforts in recruiting. You can change or maybe even save a young person’s life. Thank you for all you do for Scouting.

Let’s continue to grow in 2021!

Yours in Scouting,

Dirk Smith
Scout Executive


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