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SE Corner: Challenge To Leaders

I hope everyone is having a great summer and is staying safe through the smoke and surrounding fires. Fingers crossed that the brief shift in weather is providing (at least momentarily) some relief.

Thank you to everyone that participated in the council’s Popcorn Sale discussion on Tuesday, August 3. Thank you, especially to Michelle Ferguson for leading the call. I know we will have a great sale, one that will help Scouting and our communities. 

Remember – we are not selling Popcorn, we are selling Scouting!

Once again, our theme for this fall is: GROW. Grow, Resources, Opportunities and Wins. 

We are at the beginning of our fall recruitment season. I know everyone is excited about the fall and recruiting more youth into our wonderful program. 

I challenge every adult leader to recruit at least one new Scout into our program.

Currently, we have approximately 1,500 registered leaders in the Montana Council. If every adult leader recruits just one new Scout, the council would get very close to its goal of 3777 registered youth. That’s 1,500 young men and women taking their first steps to be ethical, service-oriented leaders in their community.

Of course, if an adult leader can register more than one youth, that’s even better.

Also, I challenge every Cub Scout pack, Scouts BSA troop and Venturing crew to hold a recruitment event this fall. I know, with all the efforts of our wonderful, dedicated volunteers and staff, we will achieve our goal. 

We have an incredible program to offer and an opportunity to change a child’s life. Every youth deserves an opportunity to be a Scout!

Let’s GROW in 2021. Thank you to everyone!

Yours in Scouting,

Dirk Smith
Scout Executive


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