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SE Corner: 2019 Accomplishments, By The Numbers

The beginning of the calendar year is a great time to reflect on our accomplishments from the past year. Here are some of our excellent accomplishments for 2019:

  • 3 million new dollars were raised by multiple donors for our Council Endowment.
  • 1391 new youth were recruited this fall, 91 more than 2018.
  • Over $500,000 raised in ICL dollars.
  • 30 new units were organized in 2019 which achieved an increase of 6 units over 2018, including Exploring.
  • Popcorn grossed over 1.7 million dollars.
  • The council has or will achieve Gold JTE status in fundraising, growth in net assets, endowment and new units.
  • 2545 Scouts and Scouters attended our camps and MOHAB from all over the country.
  • Over 300 people attended the new lodge dedication at K-M Scout Ranch.
  • Thanks to the Special Events team, we had a very successful shooting sports event, golf tournament and adult pinewood derbies.
  • The council achieved Scouts BSA growth by 78 Scouts for a total of 3% growth.
  • The Council Trading Post and camp sales netted $174,583.
  • An excellent dedicated commissioner staff with over 1000 unit visits.

These accomplishments take a real team effort from our board, council staff and all the wonderful dedicated volunteers. They have set the table for a great 2020.

We can look forward to an outstanding year with our great camp facilities and our summer camp programs that are already close to full. Thank you again for everyone’s efforts and I look forward to an outstanding 2020!

Let’s continue to GROW in 2020.

Yours in Scouting,

Dirk Smith
Scout Executive


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