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Scouting For Everyone

How to Provide Scouting Opportunities to all Youth

The 2019-2020 school year is upon us and that means we have the opportunity to invite all youth and families to be a part of our great Scouting adventure.

If you have not already met with your Pack/Troop committees to discuss your school-year plan, now is the time to do so.

School open houses and fall community events will be taking place in August and September. This is a great time to have an information booth set up to invite new Scouts.

Growing your Scouting program also means growing your leadership opportunities. To help with membership growth please see the following link at:

These tips will help your unit with a successful membership drive and build your volunteer team.

For more information and support, please reach out to your local District Executive.

They can help you with additional resources and ideas for a great “Ideal Year of Scouting”

For more information please contact the Montana Council office at 406-761-6000.

You can find a downloadable PDF of the flyer above by clicking the image or on this link.


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