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SE Corner: An Impressive Summer

In all my years of professional Scouting – including serving five Councils and the National office – I have had the opportunity to see many Scout camps.

The Montana camping properties I have visited so far – K-M Scout Ranch, Melita Island, MOHAB and Grizzly Base – are the most beautiful properties I have ever seen.

I have also had the fortunate opportunity to see Melita Island and K-M summer camp programs in action.

Beyond being sincerely impressed with the quality of our camp staff, I am also awestruck with the wonderful faculties at both camps including beautiful Camp Melita Island and our brand-new lodge at K-M.

What a view off the dining hall deck!

I want to thank the staffs for the great job they are doing at Melita Island and at K-M. They work around the clock to ensure they are providing an outstanding program to Scouts and Leaders.

It is exciting to see that we have had a great turn out of Scouts from Montana and Scouts from all over the United States.

Because of our wonderful dedicated volunteer leaders, our great camp staff, Camp Directors, Rangers and Montana Council staff, we – and the hundreds of visiting Scouts – are having a great summer!

Yours in Scouting,

Dirk Smith
Scout Executive


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