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Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide

The 2017-18 Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide is late being published.

I’ve contacted the National Roundtable Commissioner and he/they are most apologetic about it.

They say that no person was responsible for it being late, but rather a “perfect storm” of multiple system errors. 

Unfortunately, there is no firm date for its publication yet.  So, in the interim, Roundtable Commissioners should:

  • Continue to check the Roundtable Support page of, because when it is published, that’s where it will be.

  • Facebook group.  You do have to join by answering three very simple questions, but it is something all Roundtable Commissioners in Montana should belong to.  Absent the 2017-18 Planning Guide, National is publishing suggested Cub Scout Roundtable topics on this site.

Tom Russell
Montana Council Commissioner


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