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Training For Those Who Drive Scouts

Accidents are quite rare in Scouting. When one does occur, it likely will not happen while camping or involve backpacking, canoeing or climbing, either.

The majority of Scouting accidents happen on the way to or from Scouting activities. They happen on the road.

As a Scout leader responsible for driving Scouts or Venturers to Scouting activities, you should do all you can to be a safe driver.

That means requiring seat belt use, never texting while driving and obeying local traffic laws.

The latest step in that preparation: The Hartford Driver Improvement Program, which can be found on the BSA Learn Center.

The course is free, requires no advance registration and can be completed online in about 35 minutes.

How do I take this training?
To complete The Hartford Driver Improvement Program, do the following:

Log in to
Click the red BSA Learn Center box on the right.
Scroll to the heading “Expanded Learning.”
Click the box marked “Program Safety.”
Look for “Program Safety” again and click “+Add Plan.”
Click the “Program Safety” link, then click the “Drive Safely” link.
Begin the training.


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