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Merit Badge Counselors Opportunity

Are you familiar with the BSA’s Lone Scout program?

Essentially, the Lone Scout program is for youth living far enough away from a community that it is difficult to participate in the traditional Scouting program.

Each Lone Scout is required to have a Guide or an adult who is responsible for assisting them through the program hopefully to attain Eagle Scout.

Recently, we had a Lone Scout join the ranks of our council and the Guide – a.k.a., his Mom –asked if there were opportunities to find Merit Badge Counselors (MBC) not from where they live to help her Scout earn merit badges.

She asked if there was anything wrong with a Scout working with a MBC through Skype.

This could be a  great idea to help nontraditional Scouts get the same Scouting experience one participating in a troop.

If you think you could help a Lone Scout out by being a MBC through Skype please contact Kyle Smith, Director of Field Service at the Great Falls office.

You can reach Kyle by phone at (406) 761-6000 or by email at


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