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Is Scouting Important? Yes. Here’s Why.

People outside of Scouting, often question the value of the Scouting program in today’s world.

Since January of this year, we can point to three known examples of Scouts or Scouter’s saving a life. To the families and friends of those potential victims, there is no question as to the value of Scout training. 

The latest example leads us to a longtime Scout leader and Montana Council member.  Bill Hoffman has been the Scoutmaster of Troop 1960 in Missoula for thirty three years.  He is still with us today due to the fast action of two youth camp staff.

The story was recently featured on the Boy Scouts of America blog “Newsroom.” Below is an excerpt from National’s story. Read the full account here.

“He flat-lined, his heart stopped, they couldn’t find a pulse,” Tracie Hoffman, his wife, said. “It’s a miracle story. It really is. They gave me my husband back.”

“It’s just really intense to think about this guy was clinically dead and he’s back now,” said Drew.

Jacob credited his Scout training for helping him be prepared to save a life.

“Be prepared,” he said. “It’s nice to be prepared. Having lots of training is good.”

Full Story: Scouts Save Life of Scoutmaster Who Suffered Cardiac Arrest


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