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Council Camporee: Incredible & So Much More

This past weekend, I had the privilege to attend the 2018 Council Camporee – an event catering over 650 Scouts, Volunteers and Partners for several days of Scouting adventure at the Townsend Fairgrounds in Townsend, Mont.

I want to acknowledge and thank Josey and Drew (our event managers), their volunteer staff, the Montana Council Staff and – most importantly – all of the adult volunteers who made the effort to bring Scouts to the event. They helped showcase Scouting at its best.

The Council only hosts an event of this magnitude every four years. It takes years of planning to be able to pull the necessary resources together to safely host our Scouts.

This is not just another camping trip – it is an experience.

The list of offerings boggles the mind. From field games and virtual reality to live demonstration and hands-on-learning – all laced with a huge dose of fun!

The weather – which was challenging at times – simply couldn’t squelch the spirit of the Scouts throughout the event.  I encountered smiles bigger than Montana as I walked through the stations and activity areas.

Making rounds through the campsites, I began to reflect on my own Scouting experience and just how much effort, skill and determination are present when volunteers take on a big event such as this.

You see, Scouting is only as successful as the volunteers who give tirelessly to create these special experiences. While Tommy Tenderfoot may not realize it now, at some point in his life he will.

While you may be reading this a bit tired after dedicating so many hours over this past weekend, know that what you do for your Scouts is what makes Scouting special.

You are the very lifeblood of an organization that weathers the storms.

Thank you,

Jory Dellinger
Interim Scout Executive

Visit the Montana Council Camporee 2018 Facebook Page and the Montana Council Facebook Page for many more images from the Camporee festivities along with videos of special events held over the weekend. More to come!



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